Sangeeta Shetty

Deployed Projects

Project Names Year Links TechStack Summary
Space Talks 2020 Github
A Very simple blog website connected to a database stored in cloud.
Node, EJS, MongoDB
Email Automation Software 2021 Github
A Small Software that which automates regular email sending task.
Python, Pandas
I Code 2020 Github
Coding game. Typing game.
JavaScript, Jquery
Gitte 2021 Github live
A Command-Line Application for pushing local repo (code) to GitHub with one-line command
Node, Oclif, Procesess

Final Year University Project

Space-Cosmos Blog Web Based Application

Space-Cosmos Blog Application is a web based application which includes blog posts based on space articles, research, facts, news and similar categories collected from various other popular websites such as, etc and brought to users on one platform through this project. It includes functionality such as ADD and DELETE operations for admin, authentication, third party api's, weather checker and more.

The objective of this project is to bring all sorts of space related data (which includes facts, research, news etc) on one platform for quick reading. This application also helps in adding, storing and deleting posts wherever and whenever required through an admin page on the website which includes secured authentication as well. The project is not just built at readers/viewers end but also for owners, admins and for other members who can create and delete posts (contents) on the website. Users can also add to the database through the user page. The user interface is kept user-friendly and responsive which means that the website can be viewed on any device. The home page will have a link to a page where all the pages are listed for quick access. Few important routes include the admin page where the admin can log into the admin portal for performing addition and deletion operations over the database. One can run the project on your local machine by installing node.

Deployed here

Freelancing Projects

Name Year Links
Romeos Kitchen March 2021' Visit here
Sweven Events July 2021' Visit here
Arbian Camels June 2021' Visit here
AI Website July 2021' Visit here
Trolley Dolly Adventures Nov 2020' Visit here